Responsive webdesign

The latest researches show that in the near future more people will use the internet on smartphones and tablets, than on computers. The Responsive webdesign (RWD) ensures the optimal visual experience on every device: smartphones, tablets, laptops and desk computers.

The essential of the responsive webdesign: the website recognizes the user’s device, and it appears with the according resolution and display size. The letters, photos, navigation and site layout aligns to the resolution.

 With the support of responsive webdesign, there is no need for different design plans, making expansions for different devices, so if you need a webdesign which is user friendly on every device, well readable, and good to navigate, then the cost of design and developement is much lower.

Responsive webdesign

Responsive webdesign

Not to mention that, for search engine optimization the „sensitive” webdesign makes an optimal solution, because search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) support more responsive webdesign than expanions for different devices.

How can you tell if a website is responsive?

The are two ways to test it. First option is to resize the browser horizontally, so start to make it smaller by holding the corner of the window. If the letters, the size of pictures and the layout of the page is changing, that is a „sensitive” website. The other option can be found on the, where by typing the URL of the website you can see how the website appears on different devices: mobile(iPhone, HTC, BlackBerry, …) and tablet (iPad, Galaxy Tab, Sony Tablet, …).

If you want your website to appear optimally on every device, contact us! We help your page to be up-to-date!



Few references for responsive webdesign:


If you are intrested in the way websiteburger and webdesignessences work, just

click the pictures below: 


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